Clip Genie lets your audience search your entire back catalogue and quickly share clips on social media.
Audio/Video content is automatically transcribed to make it searchable
We can import Video from Rumble and Odysee or other media via an RSS feed
They can start listening/watching from that part with one click
Clips and show notes can also be indexed
Highlight words in the transcript and create a clip of that exact section.
Choose if you want subtitles, the position in the video and how many words you want to make up each caption.
Even create vidoes from audio only content with subtitles so you can share them on social media that don't support audio only posts.
Your audience sharing their favourite clips on their social media will increase your reach
$2500 USD
+$1 per hour of existing content
limited time offer
per month paid annually
($60 paid monthly)*
+$1 per hour of content per month
per month paid annually
($120 paid monthly)*
+$1 per hour of content per month
If you have any questions please reach out and we will get back to you ASAP
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